Shermin Voshmgir

Shermin Voshmgir is the author of Token Economy and founder of Token Kitchen. She started BlockchainHub in Berlin, was the director of Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics at Vienna University of Economics, which she also co-founded. She was a curator of the infamous project TheDAO  back in 2016. She is setting up a data driven farm in Portugal with […]

Ajith Basu

Chief Programme Executive

Agastya Foundation


Ajith Basu is Chief Consultant-Programs at Agastya International Foundation, an NGO that uses interactive, hands-on methods to educate over 1.7 million government school children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in 22 Indian states each year. The foundation handles teacher training programmes and coordinate ‘giftedness’ identification programme in STEM among rural children with various organisations including National Institute of Advanced Studies and Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Ajith developed an impact assessment framework to assess various Agastya field intervention models in collaboration with various agencies in Bangalore. He designed and coordinated Agastya’s leadership of HP Catalyst New Learner Consortium which worked across eight countries. He also designed and coordinated Maverick Teachers’ Global Summit at Agastya campus where teachers participated, creating school-level pedagogies around UN SDGs.